Sunday, February 4, 2024

TTTx Three

You thought everything through, 

You said you stand your ground.

Truth came out of the blue. 


Everyone will sleep a little heavy. 

Everyone will have unsettling times. 

All will it be as it should be. 


Is a new day, 

Is a hard day. 

Is phase one judgment day. 

You x You x You

Saturday, February 3, 2024

A Thought before 13:00

When the chapters are written,
And book closes. 

My closing line will script, 
"Took the thorns with the roses"

"Took the dirt road and paved it" 
"Took life seriously but never caved in"
"Took it all in contrast"
"Feared the future and forgave the past" 

I have managed to laugh at my own wounds, 
Led by example. 

I knew what to divide and when to do it,
You'd think I'm mad but I dare you to do it. 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


I wrote about it,
Told him to love her.

Her magic isn't witchcraft, 
It's gift within her. 

She is still the moon and a hell, 
And she has a heaven above her. 

I told you to fight for it, 
Or wrath will become her. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

We are...

We fear the unknown,
The familiar. 

We wonder on adventures, 
And awe the peculiar.

We are beyond this world, 
We are it. 

We are a world, 
But in a box that hardly fits. 

Our grand creation, 
Our duality. 

Sane creatures, 
With creative insanity. 

We search for aliens, 
But we are alone here. 

We believe in angels, 
But yet we still fear. 

For we are the devil, 
And all your brain believes in. 

You are the monster in the water,
You the sky's sin.

You are what you believe,
And you are everything,

But you are also nothing, 
Reflect to the within. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024

We not I

Why should I reject a story,
Told million years ago. 

You believe and pray for glory, 
For men you don't even know. 

Why deny me for believing in tales,
While you tell tale lies. 

Believe you can be swallowed by whales,
But fail to look me in my eyes.

I was made for you to accompany you, 
And that never made me enough. 

You see many of me and that is true, 
But note there are two us.

Don't make us a three,
It was just you and me. 

Explaining this is too tough!

I am not an I, I am a we, 
And I speak for more than just a gender.

I speak us for, you and me,
Let's enjoy this world of splendour. 

You go to battles and launch a war, 
And I am the one to blame. 

Obsessed with action figures like thor, 
The fellow was lonely and lame.

But if you do choose us... It not enough!
Explaining this is far too tough... 

Man oh Man

An entire world was created for a man,
To build and destroy as he pleases. 

God loved it's sculpture of clay, 
And a universe that folds and creases. 

A man felt empty with all that god made him, 
So there came us, the companion sculpture. 

Myth has it, we were created an equal, 
Scripture has it, a man can alter.

Myth says we wanted equality,
Scripture say a man is first.

So God gave a man what he asked for, 
A complementary sculpture for his thirst. 

Myth shunned and demonetized the equal, 
Scripture complements who gives birth. 

We're all stuck paying for our sins, 
Cause the three of us are living on earth.

Lilith is now a dark planet found in birth charts, 
Eve is an apple stuck in a man's throat. 

And the one who is still a one, 
Is Adam building a world on a boat.

It was long before us the rules were built, 
And won't be torn down anytime soon. 

So we can only try our best, 
And adapt to the phases of the moon. 


Sunday, January 7, 2024

3rd ONE

Night out at my favourite place,
My true love comes by, 

Drinks and talk and his beautiful face, 
I go through his palm lines.

I see three, three is me, 
And I forward fast in time.

Two from her, 
But the third one... is mine. 

The second one is a she,
And he keeps trying for a three. 

But didn't tell him, 
Three is mine. 

I told him what I saw, 
Not what I hear.

I can blame it on the night
And the wine.


A Curse of Mine.

You'll miss your true love,
When the new loves are untrue.

I have loved beyond and above, 
And all I've loved compares nothing to the way I have loved you.

I loved you in my words, 
Created our own little world where no one knows you were my dream come true. 

Even you will never know,
How much I deeply miss you. 

I miss the wrinkles near your eyes.
Your chubby waist and you telling lies.

All Love Is a curse casted on me too.

You're the curse not I, 
I can get over this, I try!

I seek and I seek, 
And my chances are bleak. 

To ever get over you, I try!

Thursday, January 4, 2024


I dropped Adam and Eve,
I'm a pie on Christmas eve. 

I fell on Newton's head,
One bite of sleeping dead. 

I stand for education, 
A sign of appreciation. 

I am something you can chop,
Bite through it, juice it in a cup. 

I am a scent of three colours, 
I am a representation of power. 

I am something you can find, 
I am the symbol of mankind. 

I am also an emblem for an eye, 
Do you still wonder why?

I am an Apple? 

Sunday, December 31, 2023

The worst in me

He brings out the worst in me,
The foul in me, 
And brings back years old trauma, 
Uncalled for drama. 

Below my class, 
He's an ass, 
He is the poorest choice, 
Raises my voice.

People warned me, 
My dreams told me, 
He will be the end of my hope, 
Warpping around my neck like a rope. 

He got history, 
Lies not mystery,
He's a black hole,
The end of my life as a whole. 

He brings the worst in me.

I fucked up, 
Ran out of luck, 
But he was a choice, 
Before I lost my voice. 

I connected to his soul, 
Before it became a black hole. 
I saw his heart, 
Then he ripped mine apart. 

He brings out the worst in me. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Anyone but an Anna

 Never liked the name,

No one of importance was ever called Anna. 

So when he first mentioned her.

Cared less, since she's just an Anna. 

More than 13 years have passed, 

And now I know an Anna, 

No one of importance still, 

But she thinks she's a Diana. 

Oh Let her live, cause I live,

In being anyone and anything but an Anna.

Something to avoid, a foul to miss.

I will even accept being a Hannah. 

She might have took what once was mine, 

But I won't do it to another woman, not Ana!

No one of importance has ever held, 

The name of a pathetic Anna. 

So I won't settle for the spot of second best, 

I won't compete, 

I will never hold it in my chest,

And do, what was done by once called Anna.

It's been years now, 

I forgot and forgave, 

But one thing I hold with me still, 

Is I'll be anyone, I'll do anything... 

But I won't be an Anna. 


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Evil Well.

 Fighting evil with evil,

Will leave no good. 

Will you fight for the sake of fighting, 

Will your well be understood. 

Will we wellingly be well, 

Or will we create a second hell. 

For all the angels that have fell. 

In the evil of evil men. 


Friday, December 8, 2023

Ex, Six and X

 Moon light, aircrafts and stories of an ex. 

Drop me home in the morning at six. 

South beach coffee in paper cups. 

On your arms I was looking up. 

I look at you and see uncertainty, 

I look at us and see you and me. 

More coffee, board games and a misfit bunch. 

Long drives and skipping lunch. 

Stay with me if I go, don't put an X

Close your month and pick me up after six. 


Friday, December 1, 2023

I for Eye!

 I, am!

I, I am baring the most
I, I and I and a third ghost
I'Ve tried...
Very hard.
VIolet is my given card.

Six of tricks and covered sticks.
It's all but a game you see.

For I is one but I is two, and I for a perfect three.
Four for more and five for six and seven Is no where to be seen.

I weave and web around my hip a game of numbers in me.
At only at eight at heaVen's gate and eye for I them me.

You can play with words, play with numbers in a personal latin theme. 
A six of an X is a sixty fix to a seVen and a scheme. 

Monday, November 27, 2023

You'll See!

 I will not riot

I will not yell,

I will set and watch
As many of them fell,

Plot and twist in the dark my friend
Knot and weave entangled webs.

Scheme and scream and smile for now,
But in time, you'll stumble your steps.

Mark my words, I live by my sword,
Watch your mouth, my north is your south.

Laugh well now,
Just wait.

I don't know much,
But I know fate.

You'll see. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

God's Act, God's Will

 I'd think and believe I know God the most,

See as a 9 year old I began paying a cost.
Of nothing I've done,
And it wasn't fun.

Living in the shadows of abuse.

But God was there as he always is,
I feel a presence that I'm forever his.
As a little girl, just a little one,
I've paid for things I've never done.

So I know God, and God's act,
I have seen how he execute based on facts.
I have lived to live in a purpose of his,
God was always there as he always is.

So god will do, what God will do,
You yourself think of this too.
All that falls and what once fell,
Is why this is called God's will.

See he calls and he makes you feel,
He assures you faith is real.
He calls you by name, he called me with mine,
And for that I shall always be forever fine. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Love Her

And a return is a must for a cycle to end, A return is a must but she'll only be your friend,Resrved, unhinged, not bothered. A careless mother to a child you fathered.

So while you're here standing in sight,
Don't fuck up, you know what is right.
She is the darkness of a wintery night,
She is the summer sky and a sun so bright.

You loved her, you still and will always do,
No matter your past and what you think is true,
She'll become a dream, a curse and disease,
She not something you can remove with ease.

So lover her cause the world might end,
And when we die, let's be more than friends.
Worst, don't die apart...
The witch already has a hold of your heart. 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

My favourite line, my favourite lie

 "He did what he did, I said what I said and it happened how it happened" 
What has been done is done, loosing is never fun, but hun, I told you to run... 

Told you to sprint, run like the wind, I am hell not heaven sent, I make what doesn't break bend. 
I don't compete, I can't cope with defeat, do you want me to repeat.... Here's a seat. 

You did what you did and I said what I said, I take pills to go to bed, the pain in both my heart and head. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

A letter to the one

I still don't know who you are

Are you near or you live so far.

As cliche the rhyme above

I have been waiting for that final love.

But this is my first and final letter to you,

Cause I don't believe real love is true.

I have waited patiently I even went to look

To see where the hell is my guy, searched every book.

I have tried, I failed and then tried again

But finding you is a loss with no gains.

Each one of them took so much and gave nothing

Gave me trauma, fears and a sense of not belonging

It started when I though you were my high-school sweetheart.

But the mother fucker tore my heart apart.

Then my perfect 10 of wasted years,

Got nothing but an endless river of tears.

Took my time since I though he was All Love Is

Him cheating, betrayed and myself... A mess.

I looked for you in all the wrong places,

Some were handsome but many with ugly faces.

Looked for you in different religions

Finding you became an obsession.

Singles, unavailable, married and with kids

I seeked you on the roads and looked under people's beds.

Sportsmen, doctors, bankers and engineers

You are not one of them, are you here?

Tall, short and different ages

First drafts or empty pages.

Are you here or in the land of the dead

Are you real or are you just a thought in my head.

I have looked for you in every book,

Looked everywhere till there was no place to look. 

So I say no more,

This is not what I'm made for.

I would've loved to be love and feel the high

But I'm so damaged I'm way too good at goodbyes

I would've loved to find a home,

Find you and call you my own.

But you're not real,

You're not out there...

So goodbye my unknown lover,

Goodbye for now, goodbye my forever. 

We could've been great,

But it's too late.

I'm too tired of this,

Lucky for you, this is a bliss.


Thursday, June 3, 2021


As a little girl I loved to read,

As a big one now I read everyone.

It started with books, they where what I need,

Now I can read it all even the "solid" ones.

I fell in love with characters far beyond their words,

Start writing words after my own heart beat.

I learnt music, and strum along all given chords,

Became the lead signer; and the audience at their seat.

I write...

I right!

I see the darkness in the light.

I said this before...

But shan't say it no more.


Sunday, May 30, 2021


They come in pairs,
But yet! You always end up with one!

Mismatched  as always, 
But it's always a great deal of fun. 

You loose one, and find another, 
Are they soul mates or are they brothers!

I don't know... 
I just want the pair...
And not finding them is simply not fair... 

Oh well, 
I can get new ones... 
Just to loose them again, where is the fun? 

I will not take anyone else's sock though... 
They tend to stay, my ex said so... I don't know!

All what is mine.... I loose, 
But yours I keep. for some odd reason I will look like a creep... 

This is not just a love poem, this the truth
Show me your pair of socks.... they are from your youth...

Your mother kept them, 
So we keep theirs... 

This is not a love poem, 
Where is my sock pair? 

All Love.... Is?

 I just want somebody to take his place.

A unique soldier out of this human race.
A saviour if you will...
Save me from my living hell. 

He is All Love Is... 
But can you be what comes after?
He might be the best!
But can you be an endless laughter? 

Can you be the light? 
Can you be what's right? 
Can you be the comfort in the night?

Can you be what I'm after.... 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

One, Two.... Three

It feels alone, no!?
To be someone that many really don't know.

You got friends around,
But they don't hear a sound.

They don't know your soul,
Your thoughts, your heart.... nothing at all.

You keep this act when with others...
And at night no one bothers.

You long and you long,
And listen to a sad song

Wishing for someone to share this with,
Someone... who can restore your breath.

But no one's there....
"Does any body care?"

There is, and there is more for you to live,
There is so much for you to get and to give.

"But why?... why can't it happen?"
It will... if you follow your passion.

Walk the first step, and you'll walk for miles,
Look around you how fast time flies.

Don't waste a minute more,
Go after what you're looking for.

It's you who's standing in you own way,
It's always "Sometime later" but never today

Oh I see what's stopping you, and it's not your luck
I know exactly why do you feel so helpless, so stuck.

It's you...
It's you standing in your own way.
You knew that already but are scared to say

You're ready now, close your eyes and take a deep breath
Count to three... count them with me....

There is no need to run.

Be proud of the person you're turning into

Ask and you shall receive.


Monday, January 4, 2021


There was this guy,
and many have come before him.

But he's the only one who tried,
His sign is the twin.

He's tall, handsome and has a great laugh.
Buy my friends call him a riffraff.

From the start,
They tried to pull him apart.

My friends are artists,
They can cause art.

I have warned him,
And it was fine.

I was stupid,
I though he was mine.

Surely after it starts,
Life threw few of her darts.

Little did I know,
Little did I see coming.

The final scene,
The end of a dream.

Just like from ashes to ashes,
The end flashes.

Curtains don't fall,
It crashes.

And as we start,
We end.

From strangers, to lovers
To not even a friend.

It's just a phase,
and a phase it's not.

He's part of my story,
He is the main plot.

He's not a Mickey,
He's a Donald Duck.

Now you're reading this,
Thinking what the fuck.

This is a metaphor,
Of nothing left and nevermore.

Another sick poems of mine,
Assuring myself that everything is fine.

He wanted me to write more,
He knew he's going to be who I write for.

Not sure if this was his plan,
Not sure if this is revenge.

But I got nothing more,
Nothing to avenge.

I'll just write about cartoon characters.
and what may.

I didn't tell him I'm in his lines,
Maybe someday.

So for a long distorted poem this is coming to be.
This poem is not for you this poem is for me.

When I Die

 If I die, and when I die

Don't Cry...

Don't shed a tear,

Instead smile.

Don't share my photos

Don't go deep in what I write,

You didn't care then.

So don't care now, right!

Death is in many ways,

Death is slow.

Sometimes it's sudden,

And sometimes you know.

So please, don't miss me when...

I finally go to sleep.

This is just a poem,

Don't go in this too deep.


Monday, December 14, 2020

Strange Things....

The strangest about me... The strangest things he says

He says I'm a cold hearted person or so he say

Therefore he left me, therefor he said.

He left me cold heartedly, he had to leave me in any way

If I was wrong... If I wronged him in any way

He can go... Go and tell people the games that I play

A game that no one can take part of; The games I have played

But there was no games, there was no coldness just random things he say.

But if only, if only you knew

The strangest things that come out of the blue

The strangest of what he say is far from the truth

I say nothing... But he makes it look like hell is what he went through


Friday, December 4, 2020


 Why do we become artists?

Why do we pick a pen?

Why do we have the talent?

Why do we have the skill?

We make beautiful things,

We become beautiful people...

We colour the world,

And give a story to an eagle

But we are not seen,

We are not there.

We walk in life

Like we don't breathe air

We got the skill,

And it is hell.

To be able pain on the world as we see it.

Or write the words so many are afraid to speak it.

We get lost in a glass,

We find ourselves there to...

What the world can't give us,

Alcohol beings it true.


Oh My Days...

I have loved them and I have loved them never...

I have told no lies, and no lie ever.

I never played games, and I play games always

I remember them everyday and I forget them all days 

I have loved them all, and loved no one at all

I have been real, and real is not my call

I have cared, I have not

I have cried, I smile... but

I but a mere shadow on a wall

A figure casted from a flickering light

I who stands tall

Is as dark as a moonless night


Friday, November 20, 2020


I may have few experiences here and there,
I may know a few things about this.

But you can't breathe without lungs or air,
You can't walk away like this.

Some are too afraid to be or to change,
Some are too afraid to feel.

Some are just a little too weird and strange,
But we both know what is real.

I was afraid, scared and I was terrified,
I wanted to run the hell away.

But there you were and as hard as I tried,
Your ghost hunts me to this day. 

To The Next Thing

People are fooled by the light I shine,
People are amazed of how everything is fine.

They think they know what they see,
They want this little spark in me.

I don't go around talking about ghosts,
Or talk about the things that scares me the most.

I don't let myself feel low,
As much as you know you don't really know.

So to the next thing or the next someone please read this through
Don't walk in my life, say you stay then leave out of the blue.

I am a girl who lost more than she gained,
And to my dark self I am forever chained.

Yes the parties, the friends and the name,
What you think and who I am are not the same.

So please look out on the way out,
Don't go knocking things over take another route.

I'm always hearing that I am so special,
But why can't I get something official.

Or they I can so much better,
This is gold it is not a glitter.

I wish the next can be what I need,
I wish the next is a good seed.

I'm sick of opportunists,
Tired of sounding like a Buddhist.

I don't know how I look to other, but
I just a little luck and a lot of love.

I am as strong as I look,
You have to experience me, you can't read me as a book.


Friday, November 13, 2020

You or Me

Many think these poems are what they meant to be
In an older poem I explained that There's a You in Every Me

I see, I feel and then pick up a pen,
What I write is surly from within...

But is it really about me, or is it about you?
Do you even know what you go through?

My poem are everyone and anyone I meet
You can find all the people I know in what you read

The dead, the living and the ones suck in between,
My exes, my friends and some random guy wearing jeans.

I never really write what I feel in a poem you see
My life can never rhyme, it's a mess of words to some degree

I write about the weather, numbers whatever I feel,
I write about things that are somewhat unreal

Yes, some of what I write can be gloomy and dark
But only in darkness can you see the spark

Just like I find myself in the poetry of others
Someone might find themselves in mine if they bother

Those Who Survived

"What do you think will happen when I die!" she wonders to herself,
"Will I be remembered, do I want them to even remember me?".

"And if I do die and my soul will leave this race, will I go to a better place?" "Will I stay here long, or just long enough" "If I die... will I go in peace or will it be rough?"


Life is short, shorter than we think kid,
Get those questions out of your head,
Soon but not soon enough we all shall be dead
Speak well and don't mind what they said.

The mind of a broken child never heals,
No miracles or change of the wheels,
You have to go through what you have to through
And behold the grown up you are going to turn into

The world needs broken people cause they're always trying to heal,
themselves, others, the world around them... for they know how it feels.
No matter the walls, the armours and what they use as shields.
They grow a thinker skin, yes! but not a heart of steal.

We are children who asks big questions, waiting for answers
we go through life like it's a dance and we are the dancers
We become the cure not our own but other people's cancer

We don't need the world so we think about leaving it,
But it needs us... see how that fits!

Yes... the answer is yes

You will be remembered the world's always remembers are kind
Cause the children who survived are hard to find.
They bring the colours in this world with their beautiful mind.
They are always the ones who leave something good behind.


The Twins

They're the two faced,
The Twins.

They are the talkative,
The thicker skins.

They sweep you away with lies,
That once where true.

They change their minds, get stuck,
Then change again out of the blue.

They're the joy, the fun
and the endless laughter.

They have so much to offer,
You won't expect what comes after.

They're a sun sign, they are a sign,
They are a constellation in the sky.

They like space and no reason,
They tell the truth and it'a a lie.

They're Twins, they're the duo
They are two people in one.

They can be great as long as they want,
Until they decide it isn't fun.


The Lowest Point

 It's true...

There's no where to go when you hit rock bottom,
It's when all hell breaks loose, It's the unbearable abuse.
But you have to choose...
When the pain stops, and soon it will...

Will you stay, or escape this hell.

The people down here are rude and unkind,
They're like a different species not from my kind.
Who knows maybe you'll find some good, or no good you might find.

It's the rock bottom, it's the lowest point in life,
A lot like the dead sea, A lot like loosing me...
The weather is dry and it is hot,
Everyone says they're someone they're not.

Broken hearts here and broken souls everywhere.

Wherever I go, wherever I turn,
There's a corner for me to burn,
I'm I too much for this world, I'm I not enough
The thought alone isn't easy it is rough.

Like one once said,
Your phases never end...
Rock bottom my old friend,
I can't sell off what is for rent.


You Won

Words come from dark places,
You write when no one listens.
Hunted by all the faces,
This place feels like a prison.

I didn't know I can hurt again,
I didn't know I can write,
I thought I lost my pen,
It all felt right.

I warned thee, do not go for me,
I am but trouble; they all leave.
I have caused trouble and trouble what I went through.
I just did not expect to fall for you.

At the beginning it's always fun,
I did not know this was a fight.
I have to tell you; you won!
You just didn't end it right.

I keep repeating all that you said,
I keep repeating them all in my head.
I remember everything detail when I lay in bed...
You showed me.... You Won!

It was a revenge I presume,
Of my lack of attention back then.
What else can I assume,
Someone else maybe, now that's grim.

It was served cold as revenge should be,
I thought it should have a little of spice, silly o'l me.
I guess this is it,
Oh how I regret....



I'm a physical matter, 

So they don't matter... 

The light, the fire, the air and the earth, they suffer in that matter. 

If you gave the above a thought,
If you give it a shot.

You will know what we are and what we are meant to be,
It's not just one of the two... there are three.


It Spoke

Do you know what happens when you mix science and spirituality... 

You get me... 

A human with good faith but no religion, 
I believe what I see, I believe my vision,
My demons and my angels are on a mission,
And we won't back down there's no submission. 

I believe in the creator, the god, the one and the source of it all. 
I wish I can tell people I'm the only human left, but I'm the one who fall... 

I fall everyday from heaven to earth, 
Hell is what I've been living in since birth. 

Father wants me not, father wants me still... 
He told about hell, this is how it feels.... 

I'm I the only one here who knows of everything around, 
But I'm also the one who pride herself with silence.... I make no sound. 

After what he created of flesh and blood, 
They're the devil and I'm the one swimming in mud. 

I'm not what they show in books and on screen, 
I'm the misunderstood child, who couldn't scream... 

Poetry is Dead

No reads my poems, poetry is dead. 

Why do I have to keep all my words in my head. 
Why no one listen, why no one read?
Why do I have to live with a hungry soul with nothing to feed. 

Why do I have to write like I'm writing spells,
Why do I have to silence my words against my will. 

My muses miss writing long and metaphorical sonnets. 
But life's grabs so tightly to that pink bonnet. 

A child... A child of pink and glamour... 
A bookworm of old English and grammar.

But no one, 
No one hears the sirens when they sing. 
It's all about this nomad of theirs and a dated dried ink. 


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Black Magic

They talk about black magic and voodoo,
They do things they're not suppose to do.

It's not like wizards and witches.
Just greedy folks and too many bitches.

Speak of it they won't ; but do they shall,
And turn around and blame that innocent gal.

I have seen more evil here in this lifetime,
And I lived many lives and still in my prime.

But nothing compares to here and now,
Nothing can be said to a scared cow.


Walk Like a God

I'm tired of hearing about a god,
I'm tired of the worship.

I'm done with people telling me what to believe in,
I don't want the courtship.

I just want to be free,
To believe in what may be.
I want to breathe with ease,
And just be the person who is me.

I want no gods and goddesses,
I want no scriptures...
I just want a beautiful views,
And few pictures.

Walk like a god they say,
Walk like whatever you may.
As for gods they're not perfect.
They make mistakes too and neglect.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Girl Your Mum Wants

You will take the girl your mum says yes to,

You're not into her and she's not into you...

A girl you love and loves you back,
Will only be piled onto your memory stack.

But it's not this case...
Not this time around.
I choose you...
As evil as that sound.

We see evil in good,
I'm about to show you the good in evil...
You're my painting, no colours, just a canvas on an easel.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 From all the gods and goddess through out history

Their powers, their aura and their mystery. 

The depate of myth and what is true
There is a little god living in you

Of all the stories and the tales, 
With all the gases we inhale.
The battle of evil, the battle of good, 
There is a little thing we misunderstood. 

You are what you believe
So believe that you are. 

You are the fire, the moon and a star, 
You are what you choose, you can be the truth

You can be a 100 years old and still live in youth

You are the love you love and the hate you create
You are the patience and what's not worth the wait

You are the start of it all, and the end when it all falls

You are the now and the after somehow

You are the shadows in the light
You are the peace and the fight

You are you and you are me
You capture and you can set free

You, we and I
Are the hellos and goodbyes. 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

I Fall

 I fall for you by the way you are,

Close or far.

I fall for you by how you make me smile,
For a little or a while.

I fall for you by what you say,
In ten years or today.

I fall for you by the way you touch,
Not at all or just too much.

I fall for you by what you do,
The lies and what is true.

I fall for you for any reason,
I fall for you in any season,
I just fall...
Fall and not care about it all.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

I'll Find You

 If I lose my senses and go blind,

My heart would still find yours.
You're my diamond in the rough, to me you're one of a kind.

You're not just a human, you're my muse,
A dream in the darkest hours, a fantasy, you are my midnight blues.

You're like a spell casted that can never break.
You're an endless agony that will continue to ache.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

It's a Curse

 It's a curse...

Not a sonnet nor a verse,
I live life in reverse.

It's a curse...
For better or for worse,
I live with no remorse.

Of course,
My words are unheard,
Even with a catchy chorus.
It's a curse...
Valuable I may be, yet replaceable.
It's life's course.

It's a curse...
To ride the sky so high.
Then becoming the damn horse.

I'm the curse ...

Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Seasons

We're the clash of Autumn and Spring... Summer and winter.

We are at odds, we're in the centre.
We are compatible in a majestic way,
We are a fit... So they say

You are water and I am the earth,
You are death and I am rebirth.
You are underground and I am on it,
You are hell and I simply want it.
Heaven is cold without your fire,
You are the muse of whom I inspire.

Friday, December 6, 2019


Sometimes mistakes look good,

Sometimes sadness is a smile,
Sometimes hate is kindness,
Sometimes pain is success,

Sometimes things are not as they are,
Sometimes things are better than we think they are,
Sometimes the bad is good

Sometimes... Just sometimes ...

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Tag a Life

Spray paint all the walls in the city,

Tag it with your signature too.
Let the world hear the message,
Let the world know its you.
You dream small, you'll die small,
Live for a higher cause.
Do things the way you want to,
Do it just because... Make a living but live the life,
It's the only one you got.
If you miss the chance, you'll regret it,
Just do it... Why not!

Monday, November 11, 2019

He's a Scorpio

If I can play the game,

He can play it better.
Many years and counting,
The taste never got bitter.
He knows when to sting,
He knows when to strike.

He is a Scorpio,
He's ghost-like.
There is a sense of magic
To him and his sign.
He's the water & earth
But he is not mine.
He's like a scorpion
Black and unkind.
But I'm that big raging bull,
I'll stomp him I don't mind.

Friday, August 16, 2019


"What are you doing?" - I'm laying down 
(staring into something at hand) 
"I can see... doing what exactly?" 

- Staring at this leaf
It has a hole in it! 
"...... Wow" - sarcastically 

Well you see (comes closer to show him) if you put the leaf under the sun like that... you can see the light shining through the holes 

"and that's interesting!!!" 

- Well yea! See we all have holes in our hearts... just like this leaf...
- That's how the light comes in! 

"and how's your heart doing now? " 

- Oh it has many holes, with lots of light too... 

- It has enough light shining through to turn the ashes inside into a garden...

- In fact... It looks a lot like this park we're sitting in. 

- With trees, flowers and leaves with holes in'em 


- Yeah, and there's a bench too... and a girl laying down staring at a leaf and having this conversation with you. ... 


Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Children of War

What looks like having fun and innocent smiles,

Is in fact war stories told by a child.

They laugh and get exited and want to tell their side,
On how the bomb fell near them and how their dad died.

As a much older person I felt so small,
Cause a much smaller human survived a war.

A war they had no fault to fight,
A war that knew nothing of children rights.

Zainab, Osama, Khalid and Bana I'll never forget your names,
Translating your stories was an experience from which I'll never be the same.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

She Talks

 "When did life become so complicated?" - mutters to herself in the middle of the night "When did life became so cruel?"

"And how can I escape it?"
"When will I stop being the fool?" Silence followed her words,
Speechless she grew to be,
And her mind screamed the words
"NO ONE CAN EVER BREAK ME!!" Little did she know, her kind was rare,
All she ever knew that life was "it's not fair" ,
You can feel it now,
In her presence, in her air... She's breathing a different life, breathing a different truth..
She will no longer waste a minute nor a second of her youth.

She's determination, she's the salt of the earth...
She cannot be valued by heaven and hell's worth... She can't be stopped,
Can't be put down...
She's with no titles,
She needs no crown... She's everything they need,
And more than they deserve.
This girl is you and me,
If only we observe.